About Me

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Hi, my name is Catherine and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management at CQUniversity. I am married and we have two beautiful boys. I had both my sons while studying this course full-time. At times, it has been challenging juggling family life with uni, but I feel like a stronger person for doing this and I know that the outcomes will benefit myself and my family, who mean the world to me.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Voki’s are an incredible audio tool!
I found it fun and easy to set up. If you go to the Voki website they will guide you through the simple process of creating your interactive animation character. You cue it to say whatever it is that you desire.The Voki website describes a Voki as 'a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages' (Oddcast Inc, 2007).

Designing your character is great, as you can choose from a range of faces, clothes, background and even a range of accents. The Voki can also adopt the creator's own voice by downloading specific audio. It is a priceless tool that can be used in the classroom to scaffold learners who are challenged by the written text.

Voki’s can be used in a multitude of ways in the classroom to captivate and engage learners. Students may need to create one to explain an answer to a task, teachers can create them to explain the process of an activity or they could read a story.

Get a Voki now!


Oddcast Inc. (2007). Voki. Retrieved on Thursday 26 August, 2010 from http://www.voki.com/


  1. Can everyone please ensure that they have a listen to my 'Rockin Chic' Voki. It was so much fun to do and I'm definitely including this in my lessons this term.

  2. I just love your Voki, Catherine, it is so cool, but I do not want to encounter this type of character in my classroom. They are fun to do aren't they. When I did mine for my webquest, the students loved it. We didn't have time to make one up for them as their computers were a bit slow.
